So I'm back at my folks in Boston for awhile and my old Elementary School had an annual haunted house and hit me up for some decorations. here's one of the banners I did....
I often find myself drawn to the surfaces of the remnants of graffiti that often appears on our city streets. What interests me is the layering of history that is translated there in. The unspoken rules that respectable graffiti writers follow only adds to the meaning behind the scratch, or in this case; the aerosol. There is weight on that wall, it exudes Human Energy. The abstraction contained within these details is pretty neato. Here are some details.
This is how his official website ( reads " Arthur Szyk (pronounced Shick) is considered by scholars and art critics to have been the greatest 20th century illuminator working in the style of the 16th century miniaturist painters. Americans first knew and loved Arthur Szyk's illuminated manuscripts and political caricatures as they appeared on and between the covers of their most popular magazines during the Second World War: Time, Esquire, Collier's and advertisements for U.S. Steel and Coca Cola. His subjects were as diverse as his uniquely combined styles of renaissance illumination and political caricature: The Declaration of Independence, NazismThe Passover Haggadah and Book of Esther, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, the United Nations, American Cancer Society, and even coffee, steel and airlines.Szyk's art was not an end in itself. It was his means to promote tolerance, human dignity and freedom. In his time, he became widely known for the declaration: "Art is not my aim, it is my means"