One thing I appreciate about being an artist is that in the most mundane moments that naturally occur in life, we possess the ability to just chose to create. I can turn it on like a light switch, and often refer to it as my superpower. I feel lucky that I can draw better than most people, but can't draw worth a shit compared to others. But in short I make sure I'm never bored, and this isn't all too difficult feat for me to achieve. To be clear; there is a world of difference between working on a thorough piece of artwork, which involves a great deal of editing, planning and skill, compared to just bullshitting around in order to avoid boredom. But thats just what this was. It was 93 degrees outside, and while I withered away on the couch, watching The Real Housewife's of New Jersey's dysfunction, I realized I could be producing something instead of turning numb on the couch. I turned my drawing board around and did this. Aerosol, and acrylics. I can't be held responsible.

Now I'm not implying either that the result is super awesome. Really it's just a pseudo-graffiti goofy dude with the word 'promise' bellow him. Nothing too profound or all that interesting. But I had fun making it, and on some level thats what it all about.