Friday, December 21, 2012

The art of kids

I really cannot stress enough how genius some little kids are. Here are some standouts of student work. These are five and six year olds people, eat your heart out Juxtapoz.

Welcome home & other tidbits.

The good news is that I finally finished graduate school and am now certified to teach K-8 art in Massachusetts! Which means I can get back to creating art and writing posts all about it. This is a big deal. I feel I have neglected our relationship during this turbulent work heavy time period, so I am happy to get my swing back on if you will. Here is a collage I created this week.

Some good scores this week!

And student's prints!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A new Artists You Should Know entry!! CHARLES WHITE

Charles White is hands down one of the best artists to have ever lived, and yet few people I know are familiar with his work. Here for your viewing pleasure is one of my most favorites among his works. Do your own research on his background.

New Comics!


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Caught me sleeping!

I cannot believe it has been since April since I blogged! For this I apologize. Believe me when I say I am overwhelmed beyond belief on most days these days. The main reason for this being my pursuit of two burgenoning careers; one as a freelance illustrator and comic artist, the other as an classroom Art Teacher. Further, this summer, though I have been producing  a lot of work, most of my energies have gone towards moving my parents out of the four floor victorian that they have lived in for the last forty years. Blogging has taken a back seat. But trust me when I say, stick around, I am always on the go, and always making work. I'm gonna stay young until I die!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

New 3-color silkscreen print!!

Well, let the fun begin! Thanks to Kevin Townsend for giving me the keys to the kingdom by showing me a Registration shortcut, and now I am focusing my sights on mastery!!! So, which color background paper do you prefer? Stay tuned, more new hot prints coming soon!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Survival Skills

Hoping this new work isn't a metaphor...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

when music was an artform


I mean c'mon, can I build that time machine and get back to this exact moment?



 I've been a big ole fan of German Illustrator/Multi-Media artist Jim Avignon since about 1999 I think now, though he was around even farther back than that. His wacky trip-tastic style I would describe as being influenced by a number of sources; part 60's retro design ala REX RAY or SHAG, part cartoon induced combined with the chaos and absurdity of a Gary Panter painting...but who knows, that's just my take on his work. While today, in a post-hipster modernist kind of way, his style might seem almost cliche or not all too impressive, just a doodlish illustration, you gotta remember, this cat has been doing this since 1993!! Unfortunately, not too many people seem to be familiar with him, here in the states, either way, if you're not familiar with his work I highly recommend you become learned immediately.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

LINDA in the flesh!!!

As you may or may not know, one major illustration job I did manage to squeeze in this past year while I also handled my graduate school workload was 'LINDA' a serial novel by the multi-talented Karinne Kiethly Syers that was posted on, and is currently contained within their archive, but can also be viewed at . Well, yesterday I received a package in the main courtesy of Mrs.Syers and it was not only filled to the brim with LINDA patches, but also included the published hard copy and boy is LINDA beautiful. Check her out for your self.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sarah- Gay Animations!!!

My friend, peer, and MAT colleague/co-hort Animator/Illustrator Sarah Gay is one talented artist. Here is one of my favorites of hers, titled 'We Traversed in a Hearse'.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Feeling the work of SPECTER, smart social street art. Recommended.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Taste.

Truth is, this semester is looking good for creating some new work. Please stay tuned, I have been working on some comics for mature readers only, here are a few samples;

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

                                New limited edition 3 color silkscreen print.

Thursday, February 2, 2012