Saturday, March 10, 2012

when music was an artform


I mean c'mon, can I build that time machine and get back to this exact moment?



 I've been a big ole fan of German Illustrator/Multi-Media artist Jim Avignon since about 1999 I think now, though he was around even farther back than that. His wacky trip-tastic style I would describe as being influenced by a number of sources; part 60's retro design ala REX RAY or SHAG, part cartoon induced combined with the chaos and absurdity of a Gary Panter painting...but who knows, that's just my take on his work. While today, in a post-hipster modernist kind of way, his style might seem almost cliche or not all too impressive, just a doodlish illustration, you gotta remember, this cat has been doing this since 1993!! Unfortunately, not too many people seem to be familiar with him, here in the states, either way, if you're not familiar with his work I highly recommend you become learned immediately.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

LINDA in the flesh!!!

As you may or may not know, one major illustration job I did manage to squeeze in this past year while I also handled my graduate school workload was 'LINDA' a serial novel by the multi-talented Karinne Kiethly Syers that was posted on, and is currently contained within their archive, but can also be viewed at . Well, yesterday I received a package in the main courtesy of Mrs.Syers and it was not only filled to the brim with LINDA patches, but also included the published hard copy and boy is LINDA beautiful. Check her out for your self.