READ MORE BOOKS a.k.a BONES a.k.a one of my favorite graffiti writers writing today. Graffiti being as dominated as it is by stupid ego centric males tends to be highly populated with a plethora of stupid self serving negative aum de plumes or names. I like BOOKER, not only because their work appeals to me aesthetically, but also because the message rocks. BOOKER breaks the mold. I'm sure there are some diehard graff writers out there who subscribe to the traditional strict set of rules of what makes a real writer, and more than likely scoff at BOOKER, assuming he is a hipster, just getting up for the first time, hasn't paid his dues, doesn't bomb religiously, etc. But, Im not concerned with that. I enjoy street art just as much as Graffiti. I enjoy visual imagery in a multitude of forms. Ultimately whatever moves a person moves a person regardless of any underbelly of rules that pertain.

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