My infrequency of posts and updates to my blog and website in recent days frustrates me beyond belief. I rarely get to make art these days which kills me. It really really really kills me because creating art is what I do, its what I've always done. It's part of my core. It's a major part of my identity. I've always referred to it as my superhero power, because I've always been able to draw and be creative with ease, and as such always interpreted it as a blessing, a gift of sorts. For example, I really envy friends who really understand math on a profound level, like almost as if they see the world through a mathematical lens because my brain just doesn't grasp things that way. We all have that special something that we know we're good at and hold close to our hearts. For me, its always been art.
The transition from occupying this constant space of creativity and productivity to virtually producing nothing but writing papers and designing lessons and learning curriculum constantly from morning to night has been very difficult for me to handle.
While I am really excited to eventually get certified to teach art, and combine my love of art with my love for kids together, boy let me just say, this has been bumpy ride.
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